Lep PLAC se za vsako priložnost lahko napravi.

Lahko postane prostor za sestanke, brainstorminge, interne zabave, zaključene pogostitve, tematska predavanja, literarne popoldneve, plesna doživetja ter raznovrstna praznovanja ali kakšne druge dogodke.

Lep Plac je prav poseben prostor, zasnovan ozaveščeno za zadovoljevanje potreb in želja sodobnega človeka.

Izkoristite prostor za sestanke, predstavitve, intervjuje, razgovore …
Omogočimo pogostitev, postrežbo, opremo in druge storitve.

If you you are local and produce any of the following, please get in touch.

  • Potatos
  • Tomatos
  • Parsly
  • Fruit
  • Game
  • Free range eggs
  • Beef
  • Pork

There are four private spaces available for lunch, dinner or indeed at any other time (receptions, presentations or brainstorms). In addition the restaurant is available for breakfast & private hire as are all the other spaces.

+1 555 789 899 2 / hello@marco.com

  • Wedding Dinner
  • Christmas Party
  • Hen Party
  • New Year Party
  • Birthday Party
  • Other Occasions

4 spaces to choose from

In sodales, mi at placerat blandit, augue urna ornare ex, ut posuere lectus elit in quam. Maecenas auctor gravida erat ac bibendum. Praesent nulla lorem, eleifend quis diam id, cursus scelerisque lacus. Cras in arcu vel eros imperdiet aliquam. Maecenas cursus sem pulvinar augue sagittis condimentum.

Finger likcking menu

Tasty mi at placerat blandit, augue urna ornare ex, ut posuere lectus elit in quam. Maecenas auctor gravida erat ac bibendum. Praesent nulla lorem, eleifend quis diam id, cursus scelerisque. Cras in arcu vel eros imperdiet aliquam. Maecenas cursus sem pulvinar augue sagittis condimentum.

Sit up to 80 people

No matter, mi at placerat blandit, augue urna ornare ex, ut posuere lectus elit in quam. Maecenas auctor gravida erat ac bibendum. Praesent nulla lorem, eleifend quis diam id, cursus scelerisque lacus. Cras in arcu vel eros imperdiet aliquam. Maecenas cursus sem pulvinar.

The Azzuro Corner

The ultimate Chef’s Table experience, situated in the corner of the kitchen. Soak up the atmosphere and watch our team of chef’s create a memorable meal.

Seats up to 6 guests

Private Lobby

Create a memorable meal. The room is situated almost within the kitchen many of his books adorning the walls.

Seats up to 4 guests

Hose Lobby

The room is situated almost within the kitchen many of his books adorning the walls. Fun included.

Seats up to 4 guests

Booking a table

Booking is easy. To make reservation, please call us at +1 555 890 901 between 9am-8pm, Monday to Friday or use the form above.

There are always 10% of walk-ins ready places. We do not book sofa & bar area.

Private dining & events

There are four private spaces available for lunch, dinner or indeed at any other time like receptions, presentations or brainstorms. In addition the restaurant is available for breakfast & private hire as are all the other spaces.

Learn more

Booking a table

Booking is easy. To make reservation, please call us at +1 555 890 901 between 9am-8pm, Monday to Friday or use the form above.

There are always 10% of walk-ins ready places. We do not book sofa & bar area.

Private dining & events

There are four private spaces available for lunch, dinner or indeed at any other time like receptions, presentations or brainstorms. In addition the restaurant is available for breakfast & private hire as are all the other spaces.

Learn more


Pier Pascal

starter chef

Vestibulum dictum, libero eu euismod convallis, neque enim feugiat justo, a malesuada nunc metus at nibh. Aliquam at consequat tortor. Proin hendrerit auctor risus id efficitur.


Helmut Broden

second chef

Bibendum enim non aliquet. Sed magna diam, sodales vitae pretium ac, semper quis neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Jesica Smith

su chef

Cras posuere bibendum enim non aliquet. Sed magna diam, sodales vitae pretium ac, semper quis neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Andrew Duda

kitchen porter

Non aliquet. Sed magna diam, sodales vitae pretium ac, semper quis neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Jess Otterbox

head chef

Cras posuere bibendum enim non aliquet. Sed magna diam, sodales vitae pretium ac, semper quis neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Pete Petroff

head chef

Sed magna diam, sodales vitae pretium ac, semper quis neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


George Doe

strrage manager

Cras posuere bibendum enim non aliquet. Sed magna diam, sodales vitae pretium ac, semper quis neque. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.


Steven Lee


Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.

Pier Pascal

starter chef

Helmut Broden

second chef

Jesica Smith

su chef

Andrew Duda

kitchen porter

Jess Otterbox

head chef

Pete Petroff

head chef

George Doe

strrage manager

Steven Lee
